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Communication Arts, A.A. | B.A.

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Communication Arts Degree

How we communicate is constantly changing. Become a master storyteller with dynamic courses in digital media, journalism, literature, creative writing, and public speaking.

Why Study Communication Arts?

Connect one-on-one with faculty, fellow students, and other professionals through classroom instruction, hands-on learning, and internships:

  • Concentrate in Corporate/Administrative Communication, Journalism, Photography, or Graphic Design.
  • Learn and understand humans as thinkers and storytellers, in personal interaction, media, and writing.
  • Apply communication in a variety of professional and creative contexts.
  • Partner with industry leaders in various internship opportunities.
  • Work alongside highly qualified faculty and mentors who have real-world experience.
  • Contribute to College media publications and gain relevant skills for careers in many different fields.

What can I do with a degree in Communications or Communication Arts?


  • The Abington Journal
  • Clear Channel Radio
  • Ideaworks
  • ESPN
  • Times-Shamrock Communications
  • Walt Disney World

Career Options

  • Advertising/Sales
  • Brand Strategist
  • Film Director/Producer
  • Freelance Journalist
  • Marketing Specialist
  • Social Media Manager
  • Sports Broadcaster


Dr. Sherry Strain
Program Director

Program Goals

Communication Arts

  • Write effectively.
  • Analyze literary or media works.
  • Demonstrate effective presentation skills.
  • Demonstrate entry-level proficiency to function as a professional in a specific communications field.
  • Produce a Capstone project that demonstrates critical and creative thinking skills, appropriate research skills, and appropriate professional skills.


Communications (AA)

  • Demonstrate college-level written communication skills.
  • Analyze literary or media works.
  • Develop effective presentation skills.

Exceptional experiences.
Giant outcomes.


Keystone student-to-faculty ratio


increase in jobs over the next 10 years


Median annual salary for communications careers

Social Mobility Ranking

Amazing opportunities — on campus and beyond

From internships and experiential learning opportunities to travel and conferences, you’ll have many opportunities to conduct real-world experiences, work with your peers and mentors in your chosen field, and learn first-hand the latest skills to succeed in the real world.

Pathways to Success

You will develop the specific skills needed in journalism, corporate communications, professional writing, and public speaking. At Keystone, you will develop an individual relationship with your instructors who are committed to helping you get the most out of your college experience.

WKCV Radio

“The Voice of Keystone College,” WKCV is a student-run, on-campus, radio station.

The Key

The Key, the official student newspaper of Keystone College, is produced each semester. Students enrolled in any journalism course are required to write for the paper as part of the curriculum, however the paper is open to any student in any major who would like to write articles or take newsworthy photos for this college publication.

The Key 2023
Plume Logo 2023

The Plume

The Plume, Keystone College’s literary magazine, is produced once a year by undergraduate students. The magazine is a literary and artistic publication that features photography, poetry, fiction, nonfiction and art created by students and other members of the Keystone College community.

Be Involved

When you become a Giant, you will enjoy campus life in many different ways with 18 Division III sports, a variety of student events, 276 acres to explore, and various ways to learn both inside and outside of the classroom.


Successful Giants

Amanda Kuhn

Amanda Kuhn '21

Amanda Kuhn, class of 2021, interned with the Scranton/Wilkes-Barre RailRiders, producing the team’s video production and photography. She then secured a seven-month paid internship in sales and marketing at Walt Disney World in Florida. 

I think I’ve grown so much as a student and as a person at Keystone. I have my friends and professors to thank for that.”
Read about Amanda

Chad Jones 2

Chad Jones '23

Chad Jones II, class of 2023, now works as a Senior Marketing Associate at Philadelphia Insurance Companies. As an undergraduate at Keystone College, Chad was student editor of The Plume, and he was on the football team. He also was a public relations intern with Keystone’s Office of Communications, where he wrote press releases and web features, and took photographs for several departments on campus.

Featured Faculty

Anthony DelRegno

Anthony DelRegno

Assistant Professor of Communications and Digital Media
Kerry Roe, PhD

Kerry Roe, PhD

Associate Professor of History  
Ward Roe

Ward Roe

Professor of Art  
Sherry Strain, PhD

Sherry Strain, PhD

Professor of Communications
Rachel Urbanowicz

Rachel Urbanowicz

Chair of Communications, Art, and Humanities Department
Sara White

Sara White

Assistant Professor of English and Journalism

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